I've had a few people make
references to my earlier post in the last few days, asking me who is going to
the President of the United
States in 2016. Now first off I have to
point out that my system of “gut feelings” obviously doesn't work as Mitt
Romney isn't the President (see also my previous post about facts and whatnot). Having said that I am more than happy to give you some incredibly vague
references to people you should be paying more attention to over the next 4
years if you want to impress your friends by possibly guessing who might be
president next. I’ll probably hold off making any firm prophesies until the
Mid-term elections in 2014 but in the meantime here are three democrats and
three republicans to look out for.
Hilary Clinton
Why does no one mention that she has a man's name? |
Okay this one is sort of obvious
and if you were going to pick the person most likely to be the next president after Obama it’s got
to be Hilary: the woman with the name of a man. She has a lot of things going
for her; everyone knows who she is, most people trust her to do a good job,
she is a woman, and you get a two for one bonus of having Bill Clinton back in
the white house. She will also be guaranteed to have Bill running around for her on the campaign trail and considering all the backing the Clintons have given Obama he pretty much has to get behind them. I mean obviously she’s not perfect, she did lose to Barack
Obama after all, conservatives hate her, and by 2016 she will be 69 which is
pretty old for a president. In fact it will be exactly as old as Regan was. Moreover after her 4 years hiatus from government she might decide to
stay of politics. More likely she will realise after 4 years of being out of
government that life is boring as hell and win the
presidency in a land slide.
Joe Biden
The Dude Has No Mercy |
Joe Biden is the world’s
favourite cool dude. He has been making quite a few references to running for some sort of political position once
Obama’s presidency ends and a lot of people are assuming that means he will be
making a run at the white house. Still if Hilary Clinton being 69 will be an
issue then remember that Biden will be 73 which would make him the oldest first
term president ever. Also remember what a big deal that was for McCain. On the
other hand Biden is a lot more spry that McCain was so he’s more likely to
brush it off. Still I really doubt that Biden would run against Hilary so more likely than not he will give up on the White House and go back
to his former job of being a Senator and walking away from explosions while making out with all
the hottest babes.
Brian Schwietzer
![]() |
Cool dog bro |
Brian Schweitzer is the governor
of Montana
and I kind of have a weird unhealthy obsession with him. He is the governor of
a firmly Republican state famous for wolves and buffalo herding, he wears a
bolo tie and also a Stetson, and he is about as left wing as you can be in America without
getting called a communist. He is an environmentalist, he supports socialized
medicine, he supports gay marriage, and he has a really cool looking dog. He is also a massive wild card
in the president stakes but I am almost certain he will run and although he doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of becoming president
he is totally my Democratic VP pick due to his awesome combo power of being a Diehard democrat and still convincing Republicans to vote for him. Essentially my dream Democratic ticket is Biden and Schweitzer with his dog on Harleys riding into the sunset while bumping fists.
Marco Rubio
Americans don't consider this guy white as all hell |
Everyone is talking about Rubio
because he manages to be a Republican and a minority. That is the only reason
anyone is talking about him. Due to the belief that if the Republicans select a
brown person then brown people will vote for them! Rubio is also extremely
right wing so has Tea Party support though their loose coalition is also super
racist so he will have to be even more right wing than any white tea party types who run and then if he does that he will have to swing wildly back to the centre to appeal to the rest of the country, a strategy which if you think back a few days did wonders for Mitt Romney. Rubio also has the benefits of not looking as weird as most politicians and having some amount of charisma. Still even if he doesn't get the nomination he
will definitely be the choice for vice president because the Republicans are
desperate to get those Latino votes while simultaneously telling everyone that
they hate immigrants.
Jeb Bush
The blandest Bush |
People are always trying to draft
Bush, another Floridian politician, based on the fact that there have already
been two presidents named Bush so there is no way he can lose. Jeb is the
brother of George W. and may be described as the “boring” Bush because he has
more reasonable political views and is cleverer than his brother (which doesn't take much). He also has none of his Brother's charisma. I guess he is more like his dad who, if you remember, was incredibly bland. To be honest if George W. had never been president then Jeb would
be a shoe in but that name is probably going to hurt him with moderates whilst
his relative moderation is going to hurt him with crazies so really his
candidacy is stuck between a rock and a hard place. He’ll run, everyone will
assume he’ll win the candidacy and then he’ll lose it. Or he won’t.
Mike Huckabee
This guy's weight fluctuates so violently it is impossible to guess what he looks like |
I have a strange sort of respect
for Mike Huckabee, despite his almost entirely despicable political views,
because he seems a lot smarter than a lot of Republican candidates. The former
governor of Arkansas
and current Fox News host ran in ’08 but didn't run this time round despite
still being well known and popular. Why? Well I can’t say for sure but
considering how the election went it was almost certainly the right move if he
wants to president some day. I expect him to come back for 2016 and I expect
his strange brand of evangelical Christian “compassionate” conservatism to do well
as a sort of centre ground for a party tearing itself apart. He is also a charismatic speaker, he has "overcome adversity" to go from a really fat guy to a really skinny guy and then back to a sort of fat guy. Much like Bill Clinton he is from Arkansas and can play a musical instrument for photo ops (Huckabee plays the bass). Tentatively; Mike Huckabee is the real one to watch.
So yeah in conclusion All Things Remaining Equal Hilary
Clinton will beat Mike Huckabee to become the 45th US President.
However things never remain equal so trying to predict presidential candidates at this point in
time is a really stupid idea. Why are you even reading this?
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