Tuesday, 6 December 2011


It's Tuesday, it's time to get angry. Those of you who follow me on twitter might be aware of my current drive to promote ANGER TUESDAY (the capitals are important), and at heart it's pretty simple: we take one day a week and just be angry in it. But as with all things I do this wasn't just some random joke I cam up with on the fly, a lot of thought went into it. Angry angry thought.

First off, why Tuesday? Well personally I think it's obvious that Tuesday is the angriest day of the week, you've got the built up anger from Monday, and it's not even Wednesday so you can't even say that at least you're half way through. Some people have suggested that Thursday is the angriest day of the week but this is clearly ridiculous as Thursday is actually the most boring day of the week. No I will not be showing my research notes.

The reason for picking Tuesday also works into the rest of the idea, because I bet at this point you are saying "but Geraint you get angry about stuff all the time not just Tuesday". Yes I realise this but don't you understand that I want to change? And we all love change don't we? So eventually I will be able to safely bottle up all my anger and release it in one sudden volcanic outburst on a Tuesday. What could possibly go wrong with that? Nothing. I will be the chilled out guy you all love to love 6 days of the week and you will know to avoid me on a Tuesday, and Tuesday is the earliest you can reasonably get it out of the way anyway. See I thought this all through!

And finally with me as a shining example of my new philosophy we can move forward to a work where we are all happy friendly people for 6 days and have 1 day when we just keep out of everyone's way because we are all pissed off. Because to be honest nothing ruins a good mood than finding out that someone else is angry. But if we're all angry? A recipe for a perfect world.

So this Tuesday I implore you all, stick on something loud and angry (I personally consider the Dead Kennedy's perfect ANGER TUESDAY listening), scream your woes at the top of your voice in public places, rant and rave to your friends and scowl at strangers. With all that you are almost guaranteed a happy problem filled week from then on.

On a serious note here is something you should legitimately be getting angry about this ANGER TUESDAY. The government is pushing through plans to force chemotherapy patients to go through very stressful tests to prove they are not fit to work. This is clearly both insane and disgusting. You can find more details and a petition against these moves by following this link please read up, sign the petition and get angry.

And see this is why ANGER TUESDAY is a good thing, if you're angry about stuff maybe you'll get other people angry about it and perhaps do something to make it better, it's worth a try. Now I'm going to go punch a horse in the face.

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