One of the things I always like to do is carry around a notebook. Most of the time I just use it to make sure I remember important stuff; dates, names, numbers, that sort of thing, but occasionally I use them to write down what I'm thinking about at the time. I wouldn't really call it a diary because for one thing I'll sometimes find myself writing in it just about every day and at other times I won't even look at it for months on end, so as a record of my life it's pretty patchy. Added to that a lot of it isn't about what I'm doing or where I am but rather what I'm think about it. Either way sometimes just writing stuff down is kind of nice even if you don't ever expect anyone else to ever read it. I suppose you could say that it's therapeutic in it's own way.
It's also handy because when I'm stumped for things to talk about I can flick through the notebook and usually find something, or at least find a bit of inspiration. The same thing goes for writing and quite a lot of the things I'm planning on talking about in this blog come from things I've jotted down in my notebooks at some point or another. Obviously not all the stuff in there I want to share, some of it is quite personal, some of it would probably be pretty boring to anyone who isn't me, some of it is horribly mopey and introspective to the extent that even I get embarrassed when I read it, and of course some of it will one day form the basis of that novel I'm going to write that will make me the most respected author of my generation. No seriously. Stop laughing.
But in addition to all of the above there are a few that I want to share with the world but which I probably couldn't stretch out to make an entire worthwhile blog post. So here for the first time are a few of those scribblings, exposed to the world in as close as I could reasonably get to their original form.
Thoughts on a T-Rex, which is not actually real but is in fact a replica made of plaster
The thing that always amazes me about this replica T-Rex skeleton, and about dinosaurs in general, is not the size (which is big) or how terrifying it must of looked (pretty terrifying) but rather it's age. Modern humans first appeared about a quarter of a million years ago, the first hominids are millions of years old but this T-Rex, or at least the T-Rex this replica is based on, is so old that even in relative terms those first humans were no closer to it in time than I am. And yet even the dinosaurs are youngsters as far as existence is concerned, in the display next to it are fossils of the first fish which are even more ancient, at the other end of the museum hall are meteorites that are possibly as old or older than the earth itself. And even the earth is young, it has been around for just a fragment of existence. Looking at it doesn't inspire awe or terror, it inspires a feeling of insignificance.
Also it's pelvis is pretty confusing. What's going on there?
The Ferry
Ferries! The buses of the sea. What a joy to travel from shore to shore in a glorified social club slash bingo hall. Oh ferry an hour is too short a time to take in all of your delights. The overpriced coffee! The foreign TV! I can't tell what the news is but we are on the ferry, how can it be bad? Lean over the edge of the top deck for the most powerful exfoliant! Tourists and commuters, the decks are full. Have you ever been on a ferry... on WEED? Those gentlemen at the front have! What a wild ride.
I don't wear sunglasses. I don't even own any. It's not that I have anything in general against them, its just that I don't really feel they suit me. Maybe they just remind me of when I had to wear glasses? Or maybe I know that I would just lose or break them. One thing I am opposed to though is wearing them indoors. Sunglasses indoors are extremely off-putting.
Right now I'm in an airport departure lounge and the guy in front of me is wearing sunglasses indoors, really dark ones so I can't see his eyes. Most likely he is just sleeping but on the other hand he might be STARING STRAIGHT AT ME. No one needs that. He is moving around too much for a sleeping guy too. I've been told that without sunglasses you can get crows feet from squinting at the sun. But indoors? No need.
Oh god now he has slouched down and is kind of thrusting his crotch at me. This is Terrible
So there you go, a glimpse into my notebook and the inner workings of my mind. I hope you enjoyed it.
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