Saturday, 8 December 2012

Discover your Ancestors

Margaret Smith has become unstuck in time. Finding out about her ancestors seemed fun at first, a hobby to while away the time now that the kids had moved out and started families of her own. A chance to unearth some long lost family scandal, perhaps to discover an illustrious ancestor, and to finally work out how exactly she was related to all the half remembered aunts of her childhood.
An advert on ITV 7 had pointed her in the direction of Ancestor-Discoverer dot com, a site which promised to make easy all the hard work of searching through archives and records and take her directly to the business of nosing around the private business of her forebears. She made a cup of tea and got her laptop ready, entering all the information the site needed: her name, her date of birth, the details of any known relatives. She then pressed enter and set the machine whirring away.
There was a click and then a disorienting flash as she found herself sat in the parlour room of a Victorian house. She screamed. She wasn't a technical person but she was pretty sure this wasn't how computers were supposed to work. The inhabitants of the room, clad in petticoats and crinoline, seemed just as surprised, one of them dropping a petite china tea cup. Margaret looked back down at the screen of her laptop to see a black and white photograph of the woman who sat shocked and cupless in front of her.
“You’re my great-grandmother” Margaret said in a somewhat uneasy tone “you died aged 47”
The laptop clicked and the room around Margaret flashed again as she appeared in a Turkish bath, a naked, rotund, moustachioed man stood in front of her.
“Ruddy Hell!” He exclaimed
“A great-grandfather!” Margaret again recited the words of her screen “arrested for... sodomy?”
The fleshy pink man blustered for a moment before the laptop clicked again and flung her through her family tree.
After the initial shock wore off she found some fun in it, telling newly-weds that they would grow old together, announcing the name of a child before it was christened, finding the source of old family in-jokes. But after every jump she became more concerned with how and when this would end, desperately clicking through links on the website for some option to take her back home as dead relatives watched her in confusion.
As the jumps continued the happy times became scarcer and she found herself in a debtor’s prison, a medieval torture chamber, the after effects of a shell-explosion on the Somme where she learnt in horrifying detail how her grandfather had lost his legs. It seemed to her the jumps were becoming darker and more sadistic as time went on and she grew ever more panicked. Hitting the Esc key, trying Ctrl-Alt-Del like her son had explained when he first got her the laptop two Christmases ago, but nothing happened.
A ship in the midst of Trafalgar, a boarded up house during the Black Death, a Viking raid, the jumps continued. Who were her relatives here? The laptop had no pictures this far back. She took to shouting names in the hope that discovering her relatives would jump her somewhere safe. The firing line of a Civil War battle next, then a starving peasant family in the midst of the Anarchy, a Roman legion laying siege to a burning hill fort. The men stood around her had faces filled with hatred and she was disgusted by the thought that she was related to any of them. She glanced up and noticed a huge stone flung from a catapult racing towards her. She screamed a name in Latin at the top of her lungs.
The laptop clicked. She opened her eyes. A group of people dressed in furs sat round a campfire and like the nearly all the others before looked up at her sudden intrusion into their lives with surprise.
The battery on the laptop died. The screen went black.

Inspired by this series of adverts which a see a lot of because of my obsession with Time Team.

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